Announcement, conference

2nd JNMP Conference on Nonlinear Mathematical Physics: 2019

The 2nd JNMP Conference on Nonlinear Mathematical Physics: 2019 conference is held from May 26 till June 4, 2019 at the University of Santiago de Chile.
USACH – Centro de estudios de postgrado y educación continua 
(Center for postgraduate studies and continuing education) 
Piso 3, Av. Apoquindo 4499, Las Condes, Región Metropolitana, Santiago, Chile


This conference is being organized for the Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics (JNMP) community. We aim to bring together experts and young scientists in the area of Mathematical Physics that concern Nonlinear Problems in Physics and Mathematics. The main topic of the conference is centered around the scope of JNMP: continuous and discrete integrable systems including ultradiscrete systems, nonlinear differential- and difference equations, applications of Lie transformation groups and Lie algebras, nonlocal transformations and symmetries, differential-geometric aspects of integrable systems, classical and quantum groups, super geometry and super integrable systems.